Salento Film Festival Internazionale Cortometraggio - Finibus Terrae
Festival - Versione Italiano Festival - English Version
Mondo Corto
Direction Luigi Barbieri

Production: Latino Academy Picture/ HUB-integrated communication
Script: L. Barbieri, S. Russo
Photography Director: Robin Brown
Editing: Gianni Alfano
Sound Technician: Emiliano Trocini
Music: Enrico Scoccia, Daniele Principato
Actors: Cristina Donadio, Paolo Coletta, Giovanni Becivenga.
Italia 2007 - durata 16‘ Contacts
Giovanni is the priest ora church in a little village in the middle-south of Italy. One day a man gets into the church and, driven by the secret of the confessional, speaks frankly and confesses a double homicide. Since that day Giovanni's life changes, and when he is face to face with the murder, he is forced to test his faith in God.

il filmfestival Salento Finibus Terrae è una produzione Events Production
20 edizione
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