Salento Film Festival Internazionale Cortometraggio - Finibus Terrae
Festival - Versione Italiano Festival - English Version

Direction Markus Beck

Production: Verena Gràefe
Distribution: Hamburg Media School
Script: Susanna Mewe
Photography Director: Julia Lohmann, Marius Von Felbert
Editing: Jan Ruschke, Karen Tonne
Sound Technician: Gunar Mantzsch
Music: Robert Fuhrmann
Actors: Gabriele Erler, Ines Baric, Lynn Lehnard, Oliver Toerner.
Germania 2007 - durata 7‘ Contacts
A girl wants to say goodbye to her mother who is lying in coma. Her mother manages to get in touch with her once again.

il filmfestival Salento Finibus Terrae è una produzione Events Production
20 edizione
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