Salento Film Festival Internazionale Cortometraggio - Finibus Terrae
Festival - Versione Italiano Festival - English Version

Direction José Besprosvany

Production: Idea & Novak prod.
Script: José Besprosvany
Photography Director: Nicola Guicheteau
Editing: Valerie Leroy
Sound Technician: Daniel Tursh, Philippe Ibrismee
Music: Fabian Fiorini
Actors: William Wasseige, Sandrine Bonjean, Vincent Minne.
Belgio 2004 - durata 8‘40" Contacts
Daniel, 7 years old, dislikes the grey days that go by and look alike. Therefore, he draws: with three colours that will cover the white sheet. Each colour evokes a different thing to him: yellow like the afternoon's light in the living room, red like his older sister's dress, blue like running water. Suddenly, the drawing cheers up, the sun turns, the colours dance, and the world opens up. Later, as always, fights erupt. Everything becomes ugly and black. Daniel wants to escape or that the colours invade it all.

il filmfestival Salento Finibus Terrae è una produzione Events Production
20 edizione
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