Salento Film Festival Internazionale Cortometraggio - Finibus Terrae
Festival - Versione Italiano Festival - English Version
“SILENT COMPANION” (Hamsafare Khamoosh)
Direction Elham Hosseinzadeh

Production: Elham Hosseinzadeh, Iranian Young Cinema Society ( IYCS )
Script: Elham Hosseinzadeh
Photography Director: Reza Roshan
Editing: Elham Hosseinzadeh, Reza Sourani
Sound Technician: Reza Alizadeh
Music: Behrooz Shahamat
Actors: Tofigh Saki, Salman Roshanzadeh, Vahab Zergani
Iran 2004 - durata 15‘ Contacts
In the period of American invasion of Iraq(American-Iraqi war), an Iraqi man cross the reed-bed in the border of Iran – Iraq for joining his Iranian friends to take from them a bride dress. But he has to face many dangers in the water ( the Sadam Soldiers) and in sky ( American planes ) to bring it safe to his bride.

il filmfestival Salento Finibus Terrae è una produzione Events Production
20 edizione
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